Thursday, April 18, 2024

We may have stumped you with our last item, but maybe you can help our reader Wayne Cooper solve this week's mystery! Hazard a guess today!

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.

This next item is a metal tool found while metal detecting on a farm, can you identify what it is or how it was used?

Hello from Hazard! Well, we received no shortages of o-pin-ions on Item No. 1101, our mystery pin/needle that we’ve featured for several weeks. To recap, last...

Can you give this tool a better name than "dohickey"? Help us solve the mystery of this antique item in this week's Hazard a Guess.

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget (or at least 'hazard a guess' as to its use).

You are on a roll! Two mysteries solved, can you keep the streak alive by identifying this mystery antique tool?

You solved that last item really quickly! Let's see if you can do it again on our latest antique mystery tool.

You are on a roll! Don't stop now! Help us identify this antique hand tool and keep your streak alive.
Item No. 1266

Item No. 1266, features a flat wooden surface with a post protruding from a hole in the center and a handle at one end. Do you know what it is?