Monday, April 29, 2024
Hazard Item No. 1141 - Front

Can we stump our Hazard readers again? Will you be able to name and tell us how this antique wooden tool was used?

The sausage stuffer didn't stump you, but maybe these stacking cans will. Give us your guess on this week's latest Hazard submission.
Item No. 1139

Another mystery item has been revealed, just in time for us to start a new one. This week's tool comes from Baden, PA. Can you guess this mystery antique item's use?

This week's Hazard item comes from Ed Homer of Transfer, PA. Can you help him identify this pair of antique tools?

Keep your Hazard streak alive! This week's new item should keep you guessing for at least a little while. Can you name this spiky tool?

Congratulations! You quickly identified last week's antique item. Can you keep the streak alive and tell us what this antique item is and how it was used?
Item No. 1135

From its pointed top to the trigger that pushes out spikes on the end, this antique could be dangerous! Can you help us identify it?

While we couldn't definitively identify our last item, we are moving on to the next. Can you help bring back our streak by identifying this little piece?

Will this 13-inch metal antique tool remain a mystery or do you know what it is? Hazard your guess in the comments!
Item No. 1132

Keep your streak alive and guess on the new Hazard item for this week. Believed to be a kitchen tool, this antique item could prove to be tricky to identify.