Wednesday, May 1, 2024

You figured out the rope-making tool, but can you identify our latest mystery antique metal tool?

Can you identify these metal mystery tools?

You solved last week's item quickly! Can you do it again with this week's antique metal mystery tool?

Can you identify how this wood and metal tool was used? Hazard a guess in the comments!

You are on a roll! Don't let our latest tool break the streak, send us your guess today!

You are on a roll! Can you identify this antique metal item and keep the streak alive?

Two mystery tools identified by our brilliant readers! Will you keep the streak alive with the latest item?

One item identified and a new one to twist your brain around. Can you help us identify it?

Take a look at our latest mystery tool and see if you can identify its use.

We seem to have you stumped! Can you name this new item and start a new streak?