Friday, May 3, 2024

Hazard a guess at either of these two antique metal tools. Can you identify them?

Two items were identified this week, and a new mystery to solve. Can you hazard a guess on what it is?

Great job identifying last week's mystery tool! Can you identify this week's antique tool as quickly?

Hazard a guess on our newest antique tool. Can you identify this wooden item?

Can you identify this wooden antique tool? Take a chance and hazard a guess today.

Well done! You solved last week's new item in record time. Can you do it again this week?

Your streak is broken! Can you start a new one by Hazarding a Guess on this new antique tool?

While not completely solved, Item No. 1204, has multiple possibilities on the table. Can you verify which is right? Plus, we've added a new item to guess.
Hazard a guess antique metal item no. 1204

Can you explain what this antique metal item was used for? Hazard a guess in the comments below.

Learn about last week's mystery tool and try your luck at identifying our latest antique tool made by Church Bros in Michigan.