Thursday, September 12, 2024

On June 18-23, members of the Hillsdale FFA chapter traveled to Washington D.C. to participate in the Washington Leadership Conference.

The Harrison County Junior Fair sale took place June 28 and totaled $590,828.75. Find all the results and a full gallery here.
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Catch up on local FFA news from Shelby FFA, Fayetteville FFA and Hillsdale FFA.
Hicks and Hayseeds 4-H club

Catch up on local 4-H news from the Hicks and Hayseeds 4-H club and the Green Valley 4-H Club.
east knox ffa

East Knox FFA juniors Hayden Baker and Blake Elliott received their State FFA Degrees at the 96th annual Ohio FFA Convention.
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Seven members of Caldwell FFA recently attended Ohio FFA Camp session 2.5.
waterford ffa

Catch up on FFA news from Waterford FFA and Fayetteville FFA.
Luke Jennings

Former FFA President Luke Jennings talks about his previous brain cancer diagnosis, his growth within the Ohio FFA Association and his next journey.

The Geauga Beef and Swine 4-H club met May 19 at the Geauga County Fair school building.
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West Holmes FFA held its annual banquet on May 10 at Harvest Ridge.